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There are a lot of problems. It's better to fix them before releasing them for play.

what problems do you mean?

can anyone help me with triggering the new event with the duke in ver 29.b?

what problem have you encountered?


Can anyone help me find a way to make the game work again? I've tried all the ways noted in the ''read me'' document but nothing works, the furthest i get is that the opening scroll music plays and then it shuts off. It usually doesn't make it further than pressing new game and it shutting down.

What OS are you running it on? I may not be able to help, but with that info someone might.

How do i check that? I'm not too good when it comes to computers.

(1 edit) does this help?

It says that my OS version is 26100.3194, i hope this is the correct thing.

it should say it's Windows what or MacOS what

I play this game using joiplay, my problem is that I can't read all the text

see if this helps


Any plans for Adelaide to be able to walk into random people's houses in the future?


nope, why'd you want that?

I thought it be funny

I'm looking at the scene gallery and I can't seem to figure out how to get Bar Gamble Scene 2. What are the pre-requisites for that?

double down on the bet after you win

I'm not seeing that option. It just says something along the the lines of "why do you all act like I didn't have a chance to win" and then cuts to black

are you playing with the bald or after finished the desert raider event? if it's the former it'd be not enough impurity, if it's latter sorry you missed the chance.


I replayed it recently, and I still like the game. It has a charming artstyle and theme, nice events and well-written dialogue.

Although it could do with a few more small side events, like the one where the Kingdom is run down and you meet a certain man in an alley.

This, but for the other locations, maybe dependant on the clothes?

Working in the tavern in disguise?

Or a prostitution side-gig as hinted in the event chain?

A night/day system so you could sneak out of the castle to explore the town then?

Maybe a sidequest to explore the lands, meet the people or get resources for the Kingdom? Like, finding a cave full of bandits or whatever and after exploring it, finding out it is a rich mine? Getting a static increase to the taxes or a buff to the army and a new location to visit?

yeah I agree with all of that, it would be awesome if there were more events centered around the queen's corruption like her sneaking out at night to get fucked or engage in prostitution.


I still wanna finish the game  within this life time man.


Do what you have time for, what feels right and what you want.

Also, I wish you a long, happy and healthy life.

: )

fair enough, didn't think that was that huge of an ask but I'm not a game developer so what do I know? I look forward to the next update. been following this game for a while now.

(1 edit) (-1)

do you have to do an alliance with the barbarian tribes?


for now yes that's the only way to progress the story, I do plan to add a no alliance route latter after I finish some of the current routes.

(1 edit) (-1)

Can you add it so that the scene gallery can be opened completely and immediately? Or add a save where everything is open?


I have exams, but it wouldn't hurt to play a little, especially since the new update has arrive

Would be great to have dom/sub stats to choose how you want to play.


I still wanna finish the game  within this life time man.

make a patreon. get paid. hire freelancers. profit! :) I'd pay you


i see ur patreon now, man you are underselling ur value

Honestly all horny gamedevs work the patreon way, so that's a good advice


Can a apk be released?

For Android? 

Sorry, I don't know how.


I just started Playing the game and it won't let me move. how do you move?

arrow keys

For some reason, im stuck as Williamina latest story cutscene, and when i try to rest, it still stuck as her instead

Hmmm still stuck, do i have to start a new game at this point?

unfortunately yes, if don't have an earlier save.


I don't know if this is just me but i can't play the game after this latest update.
I get to the menu, press New Game and then it crashes, please let me know if there's a fix for it.

did you download the updater or the full game? 

the updater is not executable by itself.

It was the full game.

have you tried everything in "read if the game doesn't work properly.txt"

First make sure the game folder directory is only English(Roman alphabet) and numbers only.
for example: "C:\User\Documents\Games1\"

So i didn't have time to try those methods before but now i have tried all the ones in that note and none of them work. 
Solution A: This one launches but then doesn't even get to the main menu. Solution B: It doesn't work at all and only shows errors.
If anybody has any tips on what i can try then please help, i really want to play this game as i have for a long while.

Really loving the game! Keep up the good work


The game is good and its story is excellent, but I cannot know when or where I can find the missions. Is there any equipment that I can activate to find them easily?

It's a bit confusing with the early releases what is in the game.

I know I have gotten a notice that I've finished one of the available lines for this version but other things I can't seem to trigger and have no idea if I'm missing something or if it's just not done yet.

I haven't finished the game yet, but it's fun and has a good story, so I have no complaints, even though I don't know where the quests are, but that doesn't matter.

I would suggest using the recollection room to see if you have exhausted the current events.

>I know I have gotten a notice that I've finished one of the available lines for this version

Also, mind if I ask where you see that? I kinda forgot where I put it.

I would suggest using the recollection room to see if you have exhausted the current events, or is that still not clear enough?

Yes, thanks for your advice


Have not played much of it now, but I absolutely adore it! Always wanna a sex game empire sim with a lewd queen. My elf OC is a queen too so I might be coping here. Will support this game until I die!

Thank you. Glad you like it.

anyone else having the dukes nude castle event cause the game to freeze frame and it'll play as long as you mash pause? I might not have the right ver. so im trying again after reinstalling


Yes I have notice that some people have encountered this issue, but since I can't recreate the problem even with provided save files, I don't know what to do with it, at least at the moment.

Is this in the spot where he asks you the question after the unplayably laggy minigame you can skip?

The game froze, repeatedly, when I replied "yes" but played on when I said "no" instead.

yea when you sneak thru the dukes mansion naked the game for some reason would freeze frame but as long as you spammed the pause menu you can get thru it in time

Mine happened after finishing it, if I said it was fun the game would lock up, so I had to scold him for his little game to move on as that branch of dialog didn't freeze the game.

I guess that bug hasnt been completely fixed yet


This is the 1st time i've seen a dev with wacked updates 




Don't be, as long as you update and keep contact it's good.

What's the likely chance there's gonna be an update coming soon? 

i have completed version 0.26 but haven't found anything to do in verrtignis.  i remember you could go in the arena when i played the game more than a year ago. what could be happening?


Oh right, you need to loan money from the trade league, and ask for more while have 3 loan on your hand already, that will unlock the arena, which is the only thing in Verrtignis for now. 

I know it's a bit counterintuitive to a lot people, and I have been wondering if I should change that or not. I will decide when I go back to focus on Verrtignis latter.


Is my mouse cursor supposed to be invisible?

Yes, sorry it doesn't support mouse control.

i was doing random things when i went into the barracks and put on the slums dress and talked to the captain to do a morale boost and when i got out my game was bugged to where i cant see my character or move and if i reload the save its still bugged

Thanks for the report I'll look into this, may I ask which of the morale boosting event did you do?

Do you plan to upload this to steam?


maybe in the future, but it will be after it's been finished.

how do i change into slum clothes

esc- equipment


When i started a new save and got outside the palace i was freeze and couldnt move

but when presses esc it suddenly loaded to to point i was walking

i think i got freezed frame


i really dont know what to do, its stop me from playing the game


Sorry but I can't re-create the problem you encountered thus I can't be of any help.



try to find the problem again and try logging what you did in sequence.

with the new update that bug was fix

somewhat,i still got black screen after leaving the castle

but that was dealt by pressing esc and open menu

noted that all of the bug that i have encounter before happen with a newly started game that was just downloaded

I'm not sure how to progress anymore in the game. I've gotten 100/100 victory points with bailabaikal multiple times, I've put the duke in his place and I've finished the reconstruction of Carmeli. The only thing I've yet to do is fix the income, is that all I need to continue the story?

It's most likely you have depleted all there is at the moment, as stated in the start of the game it's still in development.

You can go to the recollection room to see if you have yet to unlock anything.

How did you defeat them? I'm not sure how to attack, do I just try to increase my army until ~4000? I have moral at 100


any chance ur going to add pregnancy and birth to the sexual content in addition to other outfit? also love the story so far and the art is pretty too



No, that reacquires too much additional work.

>Other outfit

Other than the cow suit that you already got to see in the barbarian route, that the player will be able to obtain in the future, I can't say for sure if there will be more.

(2 edits)

I'm running into an issue. I'm currently unable to download the game properly, coming in a RAR file and a RAR PART file. I'm not too great with computers, and 7zip isn't able to extract the RAR file. The PART file seems to just be audio files, and sometimes just doesn't extract all the way stopping at 97% or 98%.

I've also re-downloaded the game already, so I'm at a loss.

Tried using WinRAR as well, but it just says that the file is damaged.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Of course decompressing failed: If you have a PART file remaining, it means the download failed at some point and you need to re-download the game.

If it still keep happening maybe you should check your internet first.

I just re-downloaded it again, and all of the sudden it worked. I've already done this a couple of times so I don't know why it's working all of the sudden.

Again, I'm awful at computers so I didn't know anything about PART files.

When meeting the duke, it never progresses beyond the second scene. I tried increasing my impurity and tried the debug menu "2" option but it's still stuck. Is this a bug or do I have to continue the storyline before getting more scenes.

First time hearing this, it must be a bug but it shouldn't be possible.
How high have you get the impurity?

My impurity reached 20 through in-game methods and I took depravity potions until it got to 120. It still doesn't make any difference in what duke scene shows up though. I tried deleting my saves and deleting and redownloading the game but the error still remains.

(1 edit)

mind if upload your save for me to take a look?

Sorry for the late response, here's the save file. 

(2 edits)

I tried your save, in which impurity is still around 20, and the Duke scenes can just be progressed normally. What version are you on?

Before I get too into trying, is it possible to progress very far without the Duke or even without sex in general? I understand it's the entire point, but the option to bypass is always interesting when present.

if by "sex" you mean as in only "intercourse" then yes, it is possible.
There's one or two unavoidable lewd scenes but nothing takes the Queen's virginity.

can the Queen an her Knight get pregnant?

Not... yet?

Weird I can't click on anything on the menu or in the game

Sorry, no mouse support.


it's very ambitious to call this version only 0.25, but I believe in you and hope to live enought to see release

so my game crashes either loading after clicking new game or after skipping prologue. any tips on how to fix this? im running current build. 


try make sure the game folder directory is only English(Roman alphabet) and numbers only.

for example: "C:\User\Documents\Games1\"

If it still doesn't work, then that's most likely something with your PC setting, sorry then that's beyond my capability.


i had to do the mega download bypass thingy and it works now

I really look forward expanding content of the bar and prostitution, and more ”motivation" for the soldiers. Anyway, thank you very much for the update.

well the initial release is bugged, make sure you are playing the latest version.

Is there any content with prostitution in the slums? The lead prostitute always tells me that she has not more positions available. Can I progress beyond that?


I love this game. Waiting for a new update.

Just did.

Wtf, this is a great timing. Thanks so much bro, you are the best.

Any new updates coming out yet?


how does one win old beggar?

You are supposed to lose the first time, and if you really want to win, ask Nighveil.

he doesnt say anything other than "go win against the bald guy"

Pretty sure he doesn't say that. And losing progresses the game too.

ehh im pretty sure he does, lost against the bald dude again and again and thats all he has to say :/

(1 edit) (-1)

NO, he said:

"Those guys at the big table over there. They are the guys you are looking for.  their boss is the one you'd want to squeeze information out from, the bald guy."

Nothing about winning, and if you lot to them you should be getting an item called Bandits' Hideout Location already, which will help you progress the game.

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