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The downloads and installation are successful but I cannot save my game, everytime i go to the save from the esc button and press enter to save my file in any of the files, it's gives a weird noise rejecting the save, please look into this.

Tried downloading it, but the file wasn't a compressed file, but a ZIP extractor itself? I dunno, must've be some error. Anyway, after I tried extracting that, it became just an empty folder, both downloads were.

It is a compressed file, you need a new unzip software.


Deleted 284 days ago

The game keeps crashing at the start, if I use the alternate version then the game doesn't start at all, I tried everything recommended to me and nothing works- can someone help out?

"If the game doesn't work properly, like shut down without showing any error message right at the start,

First make sure the game folder directory is only English(Roman alphabet) and numbers only.
for example: "C:\User\Documents\Games1\""

Okay I've checked but it still doesn't work despite being correct?

(1 edit)

I've tried the other two options already which doesn't work-

I mean I think the folder is supposed to be called QD_0.24c_20230716 right?

Welp, I am out of ideas sorry.

Nah its alright


Will there be impreg content?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

if you mean "impregnation" then nope.

some small things. in the arid/desert town, the wall immediately to the right of the amphitheatre gate can be walked through. 

unrelated, but i can’t seem to figure out how to get the event chain for that location to start either. How can i start it? 

Go to the trade union/bank (exit palace, go to market, go left from there and then enter the  building with the two porters/guards), speak with the clerk and loan some money twice without paying it back. You can take the second loan immediately after the first. The amount doesn't matter as well, just loan like 1 gold each time. Maybe you first have to deal with the savages rampaging in the north or the bandits at the desert border, but I don't believe/remember that you have to.

The game crashes the moment I start it. I followed the instructions on the readme and it still doesn't work

Make sure the game folder directory is only English(Roman alphabet) and numbers only. or just put the game folder to your desk top  if you don't understand what I mean.


There seems to be a bug with the drunken bath scene. After it's done playing out the audio of the running water is still there, even if I close the game and all that jazz.

Humm, first time hearing this, will look into it.

I've lost a couple times with the gambling game but only get the 1 scence and not the second one?

Try win first.

Setting looks nice with the managment and supposed corruption. But I just cannot get over the controls. Or lack thereof. No mouse, no keyboard scheme (at least I did not find any), no fullscreen...

I can use fullscreen with 3rd party tool, but I still have to guess what control does what. And get cramps in my hands for using arrow keys. Maybe it would be different with  a gamepad.

This is rpgmaker game, is it not, you could include that script that makes fullscreen with f4. I saw that png in game folder, but there is not written what does what. Also, arrow keys suck. I use wasd with index finger on f.


>I still have to guess what control does what
>I saw that png in game folder, but there is not written what does what.
I thought they are very self explanatory
Arrow keys for movement,
Esc is cancel,
Space or Enter is select.
The rest are on the PNG you said didn't written what does what.
Also you can press F1 to change keybinding if it bugs you so much.

>This is rpgmaker game, is it not, you could include that script that makes fullscreen with f4.

I mean the maximized window button to the top right works, since I am using an optimized exe file.

F1 is good. Thank you. You should advertise that.   I looked at several of my rpg games and none could do that.

Maximizing a window does not remove the title bar. That is maximized window, not fullscreen.

And wtf. I just tried to upload the png  in the chatbox to show what I meant. It shows the text. The black text. You used the "background color" or something like that    for the area below the keyboard in the image did you?  In photo view on windows and some other apps that is black, so I could not read the black text. 

>You should advertise that


>Maximizing a window does not remove the title bar. That is maximized window, not fullscreen.

Welp,  sorry but that can't helped.

>The black text. You used the "background color" or something like that  

Ohhh, the back ground is transparent, I am using the old Win7  picture viewer since the Win10 one sucks and didn't notice the new one default back ground to black.
Will do something about that in the future.

Welp,  sorry but that can't helped.

Sure it can. When I read about fullscreen in rpg maker games, I learned, that devs include some script that puts it on f4. Some even have it in regular options, but there are different  versions.

Maybe fullscreen is misleading. It is not switching resolution of the display.   It is just borderless windowed fullscreen.

 I have 3rd party tool that can toggle the window attribute for displaying the title bar. I really should be doable by windows itself, but they chose not to include this feature. Along with always on top and transparency. Windows can do all this, but you have not buttons to make it happen.

With widescreen displays, vertical pixels got more  important. Title bars are a waste of screen space.


Welp I just fond out "alt+enter" will toggle fullscreen mode, just let you know, and I will put that info in the next update.


>you could include that script that makes fullscreen with f4.
Yeah, about that... it's not a script but a thing to do with the default exe file, but my tweak on the game requires me to use the 3rd party exe file to run the game so it can run on a smoother FPS rate. So yeah that's a bit beyond me.

Whatever the makers of rpgmaker were thinking to not have fullscreen option ...

Crashes on starting the game.

Option A.put the game folder on your desktop and try it again.

Option B."read if the game doesn't work properly.txt."

Whenever I download the game it isn't a game file but a video file.

A shame as this looks to be a fun game.

(1 edit)

It's a compressed file... you need to get yourself winRAR or 7Zip to unzip it.

Yeah so 7Zip just doesn't  work at all.

what do you mean  it doesn't  work?

Said it wasn't compatible.
Ended up getting a friend to help me understand winrar.

The rar unpacks fine in 7z, your friend should show you 7z as well.

(1 edit)

Got a hole in the map in the west wing of the throne room, two spaces east of the little door divit. can walk through walls there. 

Edit: im finding a couple of them is there anywhere i can send in a report about these. nothing game breaking.

I'd say the most fitting place would be on my discord server:

I was bored and searching through games and saw that this says its inspired by Paradox's games so I will be trying this out just for that.

(1 edit)

Okay, finished the current version. I have enemy at 0 strength, all scenes, all achievements, etc. Here's my thoughts.

Prosperity and prestige need easier ways to increase, I suggest a parade option. Selling treasury and winning big beggar should have 10* the current value.

It's extremely difficult to naturally trigger the bad end, and as it stands low prestige isn't very impactful.

There should be a Battle X Times option, as once I hit endgame I was just spamming that for prestige anyway.

The Bad End Button should let us choose bad ends, or you can add them to the gallery instead.

Storywise, it would be great if both the agriculture and tribal regions could become duchies, and if we could develop the nation into an empire (conquer desert option). These would be optional and affect story route. Similarly, we should be able to be conquered or marry into other nations as well.

Side note: If it was me as queen, I would make a "marry no man" aka either "married to the state" or "marry a woman" option so all of my "illegitimate" children would be legitimate. Especially with all of the lovers, the queen would be an Heir Factory.


>Prosperity and prestige need easier ways to increase

How so? As you said low prestige isn't very impactful.

>Selling treasury and winning big beggar should have 10* the current value.

I think that'd be too easy to horde money and lose some point to the game.

>The Bad End Button should let us choose bad ends

It's suppose to be the "Game Over Button" that let you throw the game with current status, but I suppose it's hard to manage the variables.

>Storywise, it would be great if both the agriculture and tribal regions could become duchies

I can understand why you'd want the tribes to become a subject, but the farming province is already a province directly ruled by the kingdom, there's no point in releasing it out to be a subject nation.
As to "develop the nation into an empire", I think my focus will remain on the current plan of main plot keep the kingdom running and keep the throne to yourself. there won't be too much expansionism going on.

>I would make a "marry no man" aka either "married to the state" or "marry a woman" option

I do have something similar in mind, but that will be touched upon when we actually reach the end game part.  As till now there's still not an ending to the game.

Thanks for the feedback.

1. By easier I meant smoother, faster, or more varied. This is because they increase very slowly in comparison to morale. Maybe if morale was nerfed instead, it would feel closer, but at this point increasing prosperity and prestige is just pure grinding. And sure, low prestige is inconsequential, but I'm sure that will change.

2. Again, this is in comparison to endgame. In the current update, the value of things is of course much higher. You can lend from the bank, but I lended the max to test it and although it's doable to pay the bank back no problem, it really showed me that the war takes a crack ton of cash. One way you can implement this is instead of 10* directly, 10* can be the max and the rate scales based on story progress and/or weeks.

4. So the way I was looking at it is that since the kingdom does not actually produce anything itself, it would be easier to become the imperial seat and purely manage international affairs, while giving each territory enough autonomy to fully operate its local affairs. This was a possibility I figured could be done if the Queen wants to stand her ground against the rival empire without wanting to keep micromanaging her lands at the same time. Similarly, the desert kingdom could become a protectorate if it wants protection against the rival empire, but this would require the Empress Route aka Badass Queen asserting her power enough for the desert kingdom to not ally with the enemy instead. This would be a Prestige heavy route.

>By easier I meant smoother, faster, or more varied

I'd agree on that it could be more "varied", other than that not as much.

also lower prestige is actually something the player should want, if you are looking for more lewd events.

>they increase very slowly in comparison to morale.

That's kinda the point with prestige, it's easy to trade it off for things but harder to get back.

You shouldn't really compare those two to morale, as they each play rather different roles in the game.

>although it's doable to pay the bank back no problem, it really showed me that the war takes a crack ton of cash.

That's kind of the point thought.

Lower Prestige should have real consequences, though. It's supposed to be tied to nobility, so it should lead to higher political corruption, assassination attempts, etc. There's already another stat for lewdness. As it stands the only person that cares about the Queen improving her Prestige is the Duke but I thought that would change. (Mena only cares about the status quo.)

As for money, once again I'm thinking in the long term. If the game isn't even halfway through, the amount needed will increase much more as the game goes on. And once new content arrives, for various reasons the tribal war will just become a grindwall. The only way to speed past it right now is through debt. Is using the bank is supposed to be a non-negotiable cornerstone of gameplay?


Big Beggar Guide

Rogue's Rules:

1. You are only allowed to play a card of higher value than the one last played on the table, if you can't play any card you must pass your turn, if no other players plays a card that beats yours you win the round, which'd let you make the first move on the next round.

2. The goal of the game is to be the first to clear your hand. 3's are the smallest, and 2's are the biggest, while Jokers can be anything and beat anything. Suits don't matter.

3. If a round starts with a set of cards, during that round players can only play sets of the same number (i.e. if the round starts with pairs, all players can only play pairs. If the round starts with three of a kind, all players can only play three of a kind and so on so forth).

4. And then there are some cards that have special effects: 5's skip the next player's turn. 8's "cut" the round short, instantly winning the round and letting you start the next one. 9's reverse the order players play, it persists for the entire game. Jacks reverse the value of cards for the duration of the round. Also, if someone plays four of a kind, a revolution happens and the value of cards are reversed for the duration of the game.

5. Finally, if the player who came first place in the previous game doesn't come first in the current game, they will instantly lose and be dead last for that one, the winner of the match is the person with the most points after all games are finished, which are normally three.


The rules refer to a round as a turn, not as a game.

You can beat a Joker if it is part of a pair with a non-Joker.

It is easier to win if you get rid of solo cards first, especially low value ones. If you start your hand with no Jokers, just reload.

1 Round is easier than 3 Round if you want a double victory.

There are two titles. Gamblers' Reward for losing, Beginner's Luck for winning twice in a row.

There are two losing scenes. You can access both even after you win.

Being a Big Begger does something to your cards in the next round. The City Falls means the Filthy Rich lost the round.

(6 edits) (+1)

About the card game:

King should be highest, 1 should be lowest. I figured out every rule without the rogue except for this one, so I thought the game was bugged, so this rule isn't very player friendly.

It's possible to just get a bad hand. I suggest adding a Fold mechanic:

- If you have exactly your full hand, you can Fold to erase your hand and get a new hand after 3 turns; the third time you do this, you get no hand but your points are locked.

- If you have exactly half of a hand, you can Fold to get a new full hand immediately, but the half you discarded is given back on the next round (not turn), but this can only be done once per round.

Each of these has different consequences depending on 1 or 3 round, with 1 round making this far more of a gamble. But I feel like it will remove some of the bad rng.

All that said, I feel the game is too hard with 5 players. 4 would be better.

I do really like this game, though. Haven't enjoyed a table game in an rpg this much since Witcher 1's Dice Poker.

-- Tested by playing at least 50 times, most being 1 (then 3) round plays. --

EDIT: Just got Beginner's Luck!

When i try to open it it says i need OpenGL (ES) 2.0


Then you need OpenGL 2.0. If you're playing on Android, Joiplay has a setting for that.

when I downloaded and extracted the rar to a zip it denied and gave me a system security threat notification. Now it isn't letting me remove the .rar file. It also said I have a trojan so I'm really not sure what to do. 

Wait, you extracted the rar into a zip? 

Yes, is that not what I was supposed to do? That's what I've had to do for other games that use .rar files. 

(1 edit)

Shouldn't it be extracting rar file to a folder?

What anti virus do you  use BTW? maybe try contact them.

I was able to figure out.  Sorry for the trouble. There also doesn't actually seem to be a Virus. I think my computer was just being weird. What I was doing was using 7zip to extract the .rar file and turn it into a .zip file. But for some reason that made my computer think it had a virus. again sorry for the trouble.

Yo, how old is Pompelius? The prince of Lady Lavinia's kingdom


However old you want him to be.


ngl, I don't think I'm cool with that answer given how he's written and how he looks

"All characters portrayed in this work are 18 years or older."

oh okay, I forgot about that one, thanks


Marrying age for aristocracy in  ye olde days was about 14.  Younger for girls, actually. 

But asking that for a pixel game is pointless. Not only is it fiction, it is pixels.   An example for fiction without pixels is Romeo and Juliet. She was 13 in that play.

So yeah, if it were any way realistically, if the heroine of the game is unmarried, she probably is way less than 18, as are all the other aristocratic heirs that are unmarried.

But since this is a fictional world, let's just imagine they are on a planet that has about 30% less time per day, so she and the other heirs actually are  21,  just to be sure.

My point is, they are    legal in the context of the game world. If they were not, it would be a plot device.   It has no bearing what is currently arbitrarily legal age in real world. And even there is difference where you live. There are places where it is 21. And then there is age of consent, that goes as low as 13 or up to: must be married. Oh, and in Japan it interstingly was 20, lowered to 18 in 2021 (age of majority).


Well, my question was already answered, but I really don't care about how realistically it would be if the queen was underaged or how low the age of consent is at places, and yes, I do care about the age of these fictional characters. I don't wanna be a creep even if it's within the law and they're not real

how to unlock all CG, If There is no way to do it , can I take a save file have  all CG? :)

(1 edit)

Game keeps closing whenever I start a new game. It gets to the "Skip Prologue?" option then closes itself no matter what option I choose. What can I do to fix it?

Edit: Turns out there was already a readme file in the main folder detailing how to fix this error. I may be illiterate.

Weird, I still don't know what causes this issue for some people, but that solution isn't really preferable since the old exe would give you a very low FPS.
Maybe try this version of exe and see if it works for you:


Enjoying the game so far. I think since impurity is a thing it should be listed under skills or stats or something so we the player start to see how impure innocent queen Adelaide becomes

Big fan of the bodyguard, Williama is her name iirc? I hope she gets more content soon, I love the scenes of her in the arena and with the queen as well!


Version Played: 0.22b

This is interesting so far, but there are a number of things I feel are holding it back.

Firstly (and most easy to fix): The dialogue could use a few passes by an editor (as I can only assume English is not the writer's first language). In addition, there are moments when text runs off the side of the text box, and becomes impossible to read.

Second: There's a notable lack of direction. Which might be the point, but I feel like more readily available hints would be useful (perhaps a quest journal in Main Character-chan's inventory with summaries of active tasks, rumors, hunches, etc.

Third: There's a card game in the slum's tavern. There are no documented rules anywhere that I could find in-game. I would personally suggest making the rules more readily available (such as in the proposed quest log).

Fourth: There's a bug I've found. When changing clothes in the main town, it'll kick you out to the world map when you leave the pause screen. This may have been rectified in 0.22c, but I still felt I should point it out.

I look forward to seeing future releases.


For the card game, you have a npc that explains the rules (the thief), but I think you have to lose the game once for that.

But I would agree with the rest, I also hope to see a bit more city/army management (putting soldiers at specific locations for defense or ask to build/upgrade some buildings for benefits, bonuses or new (sex) events.


So far the game is good trying to make a virgin-slut route and it is going well :D

I have encoutered some bug and was wondering if there was a forum or a topic where i could signal them ? Or maybe stray via patreon chat ?

=> When peasant rebellion occur and we talk to general regardless of win or loss the game become full black screen only menu work,

=> When impurity is high and when you talk to the guy outside the slums i showed him my tits and and now i'm stuck with them out for the entire game no matter the dress i chose to wear (royal or normal dress)

=> still the bug that send to world map when change clothe but i have seen there was a fix for it, haven't tested it yet,

=> When i talk to the guard captain for choosing to make a morale improve but decide to cancel and go back, my character become invisible on the game but can still move.

=> The option por relocate guard in savage land with guard captain is in the menu selection but it is is a blanck field.
Hope more content soons can't get enought ^^

(1 edit)

Greetings, thanks for the very detailed report, I will take a look on them, though I fear they likely won't be fix till the next update.

Not really sure what you mean by the last one though.

Also preferably, the best place for me to keep track of these is on the discord server:
or simply doing it here is good enough if you are not interested in either using discord or joining the server.

Inspired by paradox's games? O.O insta download


don't getyour hope up too much, I can't provide nearly as much player freedom.

Just wanted to say there is a slight bug I found. When a rebellion starts, a general or some kind of high ranking official shows up, when you go to him and try to stop the rebellion. The entire screen goes black and you'll need to reload a previous save.

Humm, that's unexpected...could you give me your save for me to check?

I could try. How would I do that?


Can a save file from a past update be transferred to the new version?


Yes, you need to go into the game file and there should be all of your saves, just drag the save you want to the new version of the game.

yes. update

What is succession chain?

How do I get Mina Defeated II?

Also can we get more Mina content in the future?


there will be more, but not too soon unfortunately.

(2 edits)

I had an idea. If there is something like random "an assassin sneaking at night into the castle gets caught by Mina" events, you could re-use her fighting artwork and fighting mechanics without setting much of a story for it.
(And yeah, I'm aware that >even if< you like the idea it will not be implemented any sooner.)

What even are the rules to the card game in that tavern? I haven't been able to find an explanation anywhere and it seemed like they just changed at random


I think, if you fail the first time, the spy will explain the rules to you.

this. and the first run is supposed to catch you off guard.

To be fair, with how random the rules are they are hard to remember on follow-up runs, as well. Well done!

I tried using F5 to change the resolution, but the game isn't responding. I re-verified that the function is enabled/disabled on my keyboard; still doesn't respond.

that only works/needed with the old .exe , with the current default one you can just drag the window to your liking.


how often do updates happen?

looks like it differs but every few months. 


Hii is there a futa content?

Please Update!


Hi, I can't play it because the rar thing, is there any solution?

And by the way, I like the game


Why can't you play it due to the .rar? Are you on a Mac instead of Windows? 


nah dude, the solution is 7-Zip


Or just use WinRAR to open it


u are calling me stupid?


I was trying to offer a solution to your problem, but since you wanna be rude you can solve it on your own. Bye.

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